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Life Without Limbs by Dr. James Dobson

Life Without Limbs Product Photo

October 25-26, 2021
Guest: Nick Vujicic

Part 1
Have you ever felt as though your prayers were bouncing off the ceiling? On today’s edition of Family Talk, Nick Vujicic (VOO-yi-chich), author of Life Without Limits, can totally relate! After he was born without arms or legs, he begged God for a miracle so he could look like every other boy. His depression led to a suicide attempt at age 10. But, as a teen, the Lord revealed to Nick through John 9:3, that he was born this way, "so that the works of God might be displayed in him." Indeed, the 38-year-old evangelist has led one million people to Christ since 2005!

Part 2
Because Nick Vujicic (VOO-yi-chich) was born without arms or legs, he often struggled with God about his purpose in life. On today’s edition of Family Talk, the author of Life Without Limits, echoes the Apostle Paul who wrote "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." The married 38-year-old evangelist with four children came to Christ at age 15, after depression and a suicide attempt. Nick proclaims, "When you don't get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else."

Suggested Donation: $6

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