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Tony Dungy: A Man of Quiet Strength by Dr. James Dobson

Tony Dungy: A Man of Quiet Strength Product Photo

September 25-27, 2019
Guest: Tony Dungy

Part 1
The great NFL coach Vince Lombardi said leaders aren't born, they are made through hard work. This classic edition features Dr. Dobson's popular conversation with another NFL coach who epitomizes Christian leadership. Former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy talks about his outspoken Christian faith, which comes from his strong godly heritage.

Part 2
The Apostle Paul reminds those in positions of influence to obey God wholeheartedly so that those who follow them will do likewise. On this edition, Dr. Dobson will continue his timeless interview with Super Bowl winning coach, Tony Dungy. Tony reflects on his playing and coaching careers, and shares that his greatest achievement is pointing people to Jesus.

Part 3
On this edition, you will hear the conclusion to one of Dr. Dobson's favorite interviews featuring Super Bowl winning coach, Tony Dungy. Coach Dungy answers some very pertinent questions from the studio audience. They inquired about his unique coaching style, the decision to pursue adoption, and the advice he gives to young athletes.

Suggested Donation: $6

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